
    A number of my personal projects and experiments include the following. Read more about my research interests and background here.


    Chess & The Internet — is a chess streaming talkshow crossover exploring how games and strategy relate to life, sociality, investing, technology, and more.


    Refactor Camp 2019 — Refactor Camp is a conference from the Ribbonfarm community. I had the honor of being a core organizer for 2019. I particularly recommend watching the keynotes by Sarah Perry and Tiago Forte.

    Prototyping Permanent Cultures — was a talk given at Trust, a Berlin-based "incubator for utopian conspiracy". In this presentation, I offer the sketch of a framework for defining permanent cultures and how they might address existential problems of our times (climate change, cost disease, etc.).

    Surveying Financial Manias — was an Other Internet workshop taught by Byrne Hobart covering theories of financial bubbles and case studies through history. I provided logistical support and acted as TA.


    biosphere(x) — is an urban permaculture and engineering collective. We work on land and community projects promoting resiliency.


    General Chang's Chicken - was a gluten-free fried chicken popup operating out of Brooklyn Night Bazaar.


    agtech NYC - was a group focused on urban agriculture and emerging food tech. Agtech NYC was also a founding member of the NY Agriculture Collective trade group.


    EL garden - is a former vacant city-owned lot turned Brooklyn community garden.